Thursday, May 22, 2014

Project Word: April

April words and photos

REFLECTION= getting a "selfie" through the eyes of my cutie!

COLORFUL= trying to make an Easter candy trade with your brother!

BLOSSOMS= new buds coming out in the spring!

EYES= pulling funny faces when mom asks to take your picture!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Katie's Senior Pictures


This beautiful girl is just getting ready to graduate from Sky View!  We had a ton of fun getting some great pictures!  I am in love with her darling dimples!!!  Congratulations Katie!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Spencer's Going On A Mission

Maryland Mission

My nephew is headed off to the MTC the week after graduation!  He is one happy kid that always has a smile on his face!  I'm SO excited for him and his next adventure in life!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Taylor's Senior Shoot!


I can't believe it's already graduation time!  This beautiful girl is so true to herself!  I love that she is so confident!  Love her to death!  :)