Friday, November 30, 2012


Sanders Family
This family was so fun!  It was amazing to me how the kids faces lit up when their dad got to the session!  No question they love their daddy!!!  (Their mom's pretty great too!!!)  :)


Friday, November 23, 2012

Alba Family

Alba Family
What a cute little family!  This little 2 year old had more energy than you can even imagine!  His favorite thing to do was run really fast!  Good thing his daddy is fast also!!!  We got some great shots!


Is this not the cutest face you have ever seen?  Just looking at it makes me smile!

Allred Family

Allred Family
This is one fun family!  It was freezing outside when we took pictures, and I didn't hear one person complain!  They are a great group...and I get to call them family!!! :)